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Trauma Trained Somatic Support & Creative Mentorship for anyone with a burning desire to craft their life from a place of vision, creativity & connection to their gifts

Expression happens on all levels of being: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.
Nature exists without limits and I believe that self expression allows us to tap
into our boundless, infinite, multidimensional nature.

We have been so conditioned to live out of our "minds" that the
immense power of the body, the secrets and mysteries that it holds,
have been neglected. Perhaps you feel that truth yourself, in your own experience of life.

Learning to work with the information that comes to you on these
different levels of expression, through our senses and psychic
abilities, is the key to unlocking your unique, kaleidoscopic
set of gifts. This is how you tap into your gifts: the blueprint
you came into the world with & are here to express.

Creative Freedom asks us to go beyond our programming and come back to source.

If you feel:
Restless & In need of an outlet
Stuck, blocked or congested
Stuck in your head or Unoriginal
Out of touch with who you really are
Overly programmed by uninspiring thoughts & beliefs
Dealing with stress, anxiety, overthinking, etc..
Rigid, boring, controlling, uninspired
Moving through a major life transition and wondering what the next version of you is
Lost, confused, or generally uninterested in life

Ready to re-invent yourself
Desiring to create a brand, project or piece of art that is uniquely you

Let's talk!


My approach helps you address any emotional or creative “blocks” while simultaneously learning to become a channel for your work to flow through you & into the world. Unexpressed emotion & trauma can get stored in the body as a story of who we believe ourselves to be. When we identify with that story it can narrow our ability to have the experience of life we long for. This work will help you anchor your identity in your truth, not trauma.

When you create from that place, life becomes art:
an ever-evolving expression of your humanity.

Somatic Creativity:

>A method that helps you dive deep into who you are & what you’re here to express from a place of embodiment: teaching you to inhabit your visions & your voice so they may emerge & evolve.

>An opportunity to transmute trauma into beauty & harvest the wisdom of your story. At the intersection of your skills and your experience lies the seed of potential for your body of work.

>A creative incubator that supports you in birthing your vision, brand or creative project. Getting clear on the genius within you & learning how to harness it as an offering will be the greatest gift you give yourself and the world. It is an act of reciprocity.

>A space to explore, try on, and play with how you connect to and express your authenticity. We will utilize therapeutic art exercises to help you court the muse and understand the unique way life moves through you. After all, you are a conduit of consciousness.


Master your connection to your work

Learn to create from your whole body instead of just your head

Learn to relate to your story as a creative medium that you can express as genius.

Learn to liberate your identity from your old story so you
can start living the one you’re meant to live

Integrate & embody your gifts so they become the
effortless expression of how you move through life

Find confidence, clarity & comfort in expressing your message & your why.

Build a relationship with your voice and calling so that you can stand fully in your power.

  • Relate to your story as a creative medium: transmute trauma into beauty & harvest the wisdom of your story.

  • Deepen your connection to your work by learning to create & express from your whole body instead of just your head

  • At the intersection of your skills and your experience lies the seed of potential for your body of work.

  • Identity liberation: emergence as your natural state of being and evolving.

  • Self-Inquiry: Discover the nature of your essential self so you can embody your gift

  • Build a relationship with your voice and calling so that you can stand fully in your power and become a conscious creator, sculpting your life into a masterpiece.


As your guide, I bring...

  • The Artist, The Guide, The Assistant: A unique blend derived from personal creative practice, a decade of working as an assistant to other creatives & entrepreneurs & 5 years as a somatic & bodywork practitioner.

  • Equal parts medicine & methodology: Tracking the bigger picture, looking for patterns is a gift of mine. I am a useful co-pilot and can hold  both the specifics and the bigger picture, at once. You get a compassionate witness & an ally in orienting towards your north star. 

  • Skilled trauma resolution via the gift of slowness, pausing & presence. I offer the medicine of sweetness to your system and provide invitations to come into relationship with the life force that is wanting to be supported & expressed.

  • A framework that supports you through a 3-fold process that includes a begging, middle & ending. 

  • Space holding, compassion and humor amidst the human condition. I'll bring joy to your process


Coming Soon:

~A FREE Audio & Video mini-course~
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A deep bow of gratitude to my teachers, to our elders and our ancestors for their wisdom teachings and for modeling a way of life that is our birthright.

Joaquina & Bradley | Anna & John Chitty | Denise Townsend | Michael Ricci
Joan & Robert | Luis Mojica | Peter Levine

Thank you.

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